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Auditory cues

March 9, 2024

High-pitched squeaks of sneakers on the floor.
Low thumps.
Every once in a while a whistle.
At longer intervals, a loud buzzzzzz.

I know I’m at a basketball game without even setting foot inside the gym.

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  1. We’ve been at a lot of basketball games lately and the sounds are distinct for sure!

  2. You wrote a great poem evoking the sounds of basketball! There are so many sounds in a school that are so very specific. I think I will spend some time in the upcoming week listening with my eyes closed to see what I can pinpoint.

  3. You did a great job describing the game…I totally knew it was a basketball game before I got to the end! 🙂

  4. Perfect! I was just at a basketball game in the morning and you’ve captured the atmosphere amazingly succinctly.

  5. I love the squeaky shoe sound on the gym floor! Don’t love the buzzer so much (too loud!). Your writing is inspiring me to listen more carefully to the sounds all around today.

  6. Trish permalink

    Knew it right away. Sound is a revealing sense (and probably, with smell, grossly undervalued).

  7. Sounds captured beautifully in your poetic Slice.

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