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March 29, 2024

The bad news is that the music teacher isn’t here today.

The good news is that the favorite ed tech of all my students is going to cover music class.

As students come into the classroom, they share the news that Ms. Emily is going to be the music teacher today. This is cause to celebrate! But the young, new music teacher is popular too, so soon there’s a discussion going about who is better to have.

Suddenly, B. goes quiet (a rarity), and gets an intense look of concentration. His brow furrows. I can see the wheels in his brain spinning.

A beat goes by. Two beats.

“You guys!” he says. “You guys! If you really like a guest teacher, that means you like the regular teacher more!”

I’m not following him. I don’t think many kids are. They’re busy extolling Ms Emily and chatting about the day ahead. But B. is nothing if not persistent.

“Think about it: if you like a guest teacher, that means you like the regular teacher even more–because they’re the ones who wrote the sub plans! So if you like the guest teacher, it’s because of the regular teacher!”

Mic drop.

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  1. Hilarious – but the logic wins the day! I can see the whole scene so clearly – and can feel the energy of the kids as they go about this lighthearted debate. The image B.’s intense concentration is priceless. I should think both teachers would be honored to know they are “favorite” contenders.

  2. Terje permalink

    This is awesome! I like this student’s thinking. I like his reasoning. I especially like that it allows to appreciate both teachers.

  3. Mic drop…for sure!!! Great insight from a young one, and I love the way you wrote the story building to B’s final comment.

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