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March 14, 2024

“Today’s the anniversary of going home,” a teacher mentions casually at lunch.

We’re all quiet for a moment, considering. Going home?



I remember that day. An email got sent to teachers that there was going to be an early dismissal. My colleague across the hall came to talk with me, and I brushed off her concerns. Then I checked my email again, and saw a new message: we wouldn’t be coming back for two weeks.

I had students pack their backpacks with extra books. I told them that it was likely these two weeks “off” would be made up during our April vacation, and we all groaned.

That weekend, my husband and I had a party with friends; the last gathering we’d have for months, and the last gathering indoors for a year.

It all felt unreal, and vaguely like a fun vacation until the following Monday, when I learned the public libraries would be shutting down. “Shutting down?!” I cried. “How can they do that?” I dashed to get to the library before closing time, pulling books quickly off shelves, gathering as large a stack as I could.

Two months later I was let back into my classroom to pack up the room for the year. On my white board still sat the morning message, “Dear Team, Today is going to be a pretty normal day. We don’t have anything unusual going on….”

Thanks to Megan Kroger for the inspiration today. Here’s her post that reminded me of my lunchtime conversation:

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  1. Trish permalink

    I can’t “like” this post—it just seems wrong, the memory of March 2020 and our break with a world that seemed so familiar. Thank you for this reminder; four years ago and another lifetime, truly. (I, too, was taken by surprise when the library closed its doors. When they returned to “Take-Out Orders,” lines of patrons six-feet apart with masks and worried eyes, I was a loyal, frequent customer. Free food for thought, the best deal in town.)

  2. So many memories popping up as COVID took over our lives, families, routines, families, professional work… so much we didn’t know, didn’t know how to do differently….

  3. What a surreal time. And that morning message left hanging!

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